Since it’s an
issue that is heavy on my heart I will use abortion as a test case. I have shown how we’ve taken the sacred out
of public life as a culture, and how this is extra-biblical in practice. Government always legislates on moral
authority, otherwise it couldn’t declare murder illegal. God judges nations and people in this life as
well for their sins. Society benefits
when Christians act as Christians. That
said to the issue itself.
The 6thcommandment tells us life is important, taking of it outside of war or penalty
is murder. Moreover the Law in the OT treats it as murder and commands the death penalty for anybody who kills a child in Utero.
This issue is
culturally ingrained and we are largely ignorant of the scope and horror let
alone inconsistency of abortion (abortion clock). 60
million infants have been slaughtered in the name of “choice” which really
amounts to self-determination to avoid responsibility. All authority has been given to Christ, we
must honor him in this issue. For the
sake of 60 million murdered infants you have to take a stand. Even secularly, it makes little sense. The argumentation for it is wholly weak and arbitrary.
E ven secularly the issues are incredibly numerous and the reasoning disjointed at best in support of abortion.
For a Christian, we can make several points.
The 6th
commandment tells us life is important, taking of it outside of war or penalty
is murder.
At what point
was Mary’s pregnancy an incarnation?
From the very beginning, otherwise that stage of human development would
not be redeemed, and hypothetically she could have aborted the child for more
reason than that God willed it to become a life. At the moment of conception the infant is genetically distinct, taking
in sustenance and growing capable of feeling pain. If that isn’t life, then life doesn’t
exist. Designating a point as the start of life after this
would become arbitrary.
Abortion also elevates the woman over the life of the unborn, or the rights of the father. I have had discussion where the person disagreeing with me asserted that the males rights end when he climaxes. Ever wonder whey men have to pay child support if it's not their body and they have no say? He is held responsible for what his body did but the woman is no longer after birth. These distinctions seem sense but are founded on nothing but baseless assumption.
There exists the question essentially at what point does it become your body not your mothers? My answer is it is foremost a possession of God, and the moment of conception a new life begins. You are in her body, not her body itself. The infant is distinct from the moment of conception and both parents bare responsibility equally. Having divided the family and sex from marriage, we've lost this cohesion and that's why men lose rights but must pay and women are in their position.
Murder of
children was biblically condemned; both this and abortion were common practices in ancient Rome. A child could be slain until the right of
passage into adulthood by the parents (among other horrifying practices). It
is no surprise that in a post Christian culture these practices returned. Children, the weak have become
commodities. They have value only if
wanted, and that accessorizing of children (and the weak) is a huge part of the issue we aren't talking about.
Abortion has
led to horrific practices, it’s a business and the practice is inexcusable.
It results inphysical and mental health issues. A
miscarriage does too, so this should be no surprise since bioligically they are much the same, an abortion is more invasive and violent.
To say that
abortion is fine in cases of rape and incest misses the question, the issue is the
sanctity of life. If the child is alive,
it's murder regardless. People who were
conceived in rape are rare but exist and their lives aren't valued only if they were wanted.
You'd have to say their life was a liability and therefore their humanity less. I have seen pro-abortion activists be
consistent on this, and say "prove your life was worth it" to rape
babies. In fact many woman in such a situation want their babies, a thought that seems to be lost on abortion advocates. It would actually compound the tragedy.
This can be turned right back at them, how do they know their lives were worth anything? And by what standard? It's utilitarianism, demeaning, degrading of human life and thoroughly disgusting. Ultimately it makes life and the value of a human individual contingent on whether the strong want it. It favors the strong, and I’ll say that repeatedly.
This can be turned right back at them, how do they know their lives were worth anything? And by what standard? It's utilitarianism, demeaning, degrading of human life and thoroughly disgusting. Ultimately it makes life and the value of a human individual contingent on whether the strong want it. It favors the strong, and I’ll say that repeatedly.
To bring up
the issue of “who will take care of the child” is to make an emotional and
special pleading fallacy. This doesn't
address the logic of my argument.
Further it makes the child's life and value contingent. Which
consistently, does so for yours and mine. A fetus is distinct genetically from the
mother. Further the unborn cannot be
claimed to not be alive. Something not alive does not grow or require
sustenance. If the fetus is a distinct
human being then simply put abortion is murder. To the Christian who says they
can't legislate it I must ask. If the
child was outside of the mother would you do all you can to stop the murder of
that Child?
The issue of legislating morality is often claimed but government by it's nature is exercising moral authority. You have to
legislate from morality, otherwise you can't make murder illegal. It's simple, and biblical this is why God
gives the moral law in the ten commandments first. Everything else he gives is founded on them,
and he cites them frequently in the books of the law for that reason.
Abortion is the literal killing of the future. When we
practice abortion we live an empty world behind us. If you are fine with that
or feel like Christ should be left out of this you have told God where he can't go and what lives he has given are actually valuable. So if you
believe it's murder, that a fetus is a human life how can you be fine with
that or with living in a society where people don't try to prevent murder
because they don't want to impose their religious beliefs?
Because the culture has imposed it's secular humanist religious beliefs on you.
Everytime an
attempt is made on the life of children in the bible, it’s spiritual
warfare. An attempt was made on the life
of Moses by Pharaoh, or Jesus by Herod shown also in Revelation as Satanic.
Voddie Baucham: A biblical view of abortion and adoption
It is an
attack on God’s command to be fruitful and multiply. Frankly, it’s legalized murder and it’s satanic
as it gets.
Whatever happened to the human race episode 1
Scripture says
to value life and God is King over all of creation, your culture says it’s not
life and to keep it to yourself. Which
will you listen to?
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