Sunday, April 26, 2015

Making meaning and Neil Degrasse Tyson

Neil deGrasse Tyson is an undeniably popular
Our culture has very much made the scientist our clergy and Tyson is a particularly popular character.  Someone asked him the meaning of life. The whole article here.
child asks Tyson the meaning of life

First he takes away Pluto's status as a planet, now this :P

He was asked for a philosophical answer and gave one, which is ultimately out of the realm of the terrestrial and a question of the metaphysical.  Telling to be sure.  Further his answer is one that is particularly weak for he is not concerned with ultimate meaning.
His "Perfect" answer is only perfect when viewed emotionally as a romantic notion, not intellectually where it is bankrupt.  He is not a stupid man, but he does not dig deeply into the metaphysical because he cannot bear the possible answers and it cannot fit into his naturalistic method.  Rather he doesn't care to entertain the question and in his own words.

"I'm moving on, I'm leaving you behind, and you can't even cross the street because you're distracted by deep questions you've asked of yourself. I don't have time for that."
The week wrote an article on his intentional avoidance of the metaphysical.

"I think people ask that question on the assumption that meaning is something you can look for, then, 'Oh, I found it'...And it doesn't consider the possibility that maybe meaning in life is something that you create." 

His answer to the questioner asking him what the meaning of life is turns on contradiction.
  He proclaimed we make meaning and that is the meaning of life.

It is inherent within man to seek out meaning.  Without a God to ascribe meaning we end up with a very difficult urge we can neither fulfill nor account for.  He proclaims there is no meaning but that the meaning, is to make meaning.  Meaning therefore for him is created because that's the meaning of life.  With such a definition he cannot simply define or even answer this.

Why make meaning?  What's the meaning in meaning?  He in one breath denies there is a definite meaning then defines one.  He assumes meaning exists because he knows it does, but he can't explain why or define really what it is or it's purpose.  If it's created, it's entirely fabricated without explaining why we do or why we should.

It's an answer that shows the person couldn't find what they were looking for and so has to "make one up".  What meaning is there in meaning?  It's essentially escapism and avoidance.
God can't be the purpose for whatever reason, so Tyson must make one.  The truth is sadly suppressed because he is divorced from God.  He cannot accept God as creator so he cannot live consistently in God's world or fulfill what his design demands of him.

Morally this is also a disturbingly flimsy direction to take.  If a person makes the meaning of life cannibalizing as many people as possible he cannot say they are wrong.  After all they are just living out their meaning for life.  Most would shudder at the thought but to be consistent one would have to say that is his legitimate personal meaning.

Christians have an ultimate meaning and purpose, and that is founded in a person.  God himself is the purpose of all things.

Colossians 1:16
For by him all things were created, in heaven and earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-all things were created through him and for him.

  Each individual is to live to glorify God in all they do.  Once that ultimate meaning is established we can pursue the use of our gifts and our lives to Christ resting securely in our relationship to him.  All things were made for and through Christ, and all things glorify him.  Without him we are detached from our true purpose.

I'm going to be a good Presbyterian and end with the Westminster shorter catechism.
1 Q.  What is the chief end of man?
   A. Man's chief end is to glorify God (1 Cor.10:31), and to enjoy him forever (Ps. 73:25-26)

*mike drop

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