Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Theological liberalism and The Culture's New Intolerance

Theological Liberalism really doesn't recognize heresy, just diversity.

Though truth be told one thing is heretical, and that's historic orthodoxy.  I've noticed Liberalism is part of the New Tolerance, a misnomer to say the least.  Like the New Tolerance I've noticed they can't be called particularlly tolerant.  More accurately described they're celebrating what was once taboo and oppressing what was once the cultural center that declared it so.  It's a simple reversal on who gets silenced.

The end of the enlightenment progressive mindset, and of Marxist theology (a system called a religious belief, with it's own eschatology as well) theological Liberalism isn't particularly Christian.  It's very feels oriented towards being nice, except to those who were part of the old order and who won't catch on and "progress" (ironically to ancient heresies).  I hear lots of boasting about how they're diverse just like the early church, but heresy isn't healthy diversity.  False teachings and self labeling doesn't make somebody really belong to a belief system.

Incidentally though I find Muslims love Liberal hermeneutics for how they butcher scripture and biblical authority, treating it as a product of man (and therefore corrupt as Islam claims it). As a Presbyterian for example, I wouldn't touch the PCUSA which has embraced this thinking.

The most public example is the Episcopal Church USA.  Oppressing conservatives and selling it's buildings to Muslims or other organizations instead of giving it or leaving them to Evangelicals. Robin Williams was in the Episcopal Church.  His reasons why you should be an Episcopalian tell the whole story.

10. No snake handling

9. You can believe in dinosaurs.

8. Male and female God created them: male and female we ordain them.

7. You don't have to check your brains at the door.

6. Pew aerobics.

5. Church year is color-coded

4. Free wine on Sunday

3.  All of the pageantry- non of the guilt

2.  you don't have to know how to swim to get baptized

1. No matter what you believe there's bound to be at least one other Episcopalian who agrees with you

You can see him knocking fundamentalists, evangelicals and other conservatives.  His last point though reflects their search for tolerance and diversity.  You can find anybody believing anything in a church that stands for nothing.  Incidentally because they all stand for nothing there has been talk of many of the liberal mainline denominations talking about merging.  If you have no substance what's stopping you.  Ironically thought this failed to happen.  It would appear tolerance and diversity isn't everything.
I've heard this theology compared to socinians and unitarians etc.  Really anything but the Gospel goes.  Really they've broken continuity with the historic church.  They haven't built upon or developed off of the historic church but thrown it off entirely.  If a group does so, they really aren't the successors to their forebears.  They aren't really Christian but have made themselves something else entirely.

The New Tolerance is tied to essentially the mistake of thinking that something about the person is the person themselves.  We haven't defined humanity as more than (sexual) desires and left the deep questions unasked.  Not providing real answers (counter to culture as the church does in conservative circles as those that came before) leads to decay.  Liberalism essentially makes a mistake that can be illustrated this way.

There are three pools, two are the same temperature and too warm..  In order to get people into their pool, one of the warm pools call to the people of the other "we're just like you come on over!"
Why in the world would they come over?
The different, cooler pool would be more likely to actually grow because it would gain the people dissafected with the others.  The warm pool trying to please everybody will get those out of the cool pool who just don't like being there.

Liberalism is empty, and so are their churches.  The New tolerance has resulted in the New intolerance, and society has and will continue to suffer.  As it stands this New tolerance is rebellion, not constructive critique. The old way should be scrutinized as it had it's own imperfections (reflecting not biblical truth but human depravity), but it was fundamentally on a firm foundation.  I'm going to say something radical and say, we need to return to our roots.

To be fair, they genuinely believe they are preaching the Gospel, a Gospel of social justice which is the good they seek to perpetuate.  But without the historic Gospel they've ceased reforming culture, no longer changing it but being changed by it. All the while oppressing those who are in continuity with the faith.  What was once central and restraining of sin has become the focus for restraint.  The system can't hold forever on borrowed capital, and one day the New Tolerance will be exposed for the New Intolerance that it is.

I end with this warning and reminder, they need to repent and return.

Galatians 1:8-9
But if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preach to you, let him be accursed.  As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed